7 Affiliate Marketing YouTube Channels Worth Following

Last Updated on December 20, 2023 by andrewtk

There are thousands of affiliate marketing YouTube channels.

So let's be honest here, I have not watched every single video on all of them! 

And what I love, may not float your boat at all, right?

What I'm trying to say is this…the following list is simply made up of my preferred affiliate marketing YouTube channels. 

I don't care how many subscribers they've got. I don't care how many people have liked, or not liked, their videos.

They are on my list because having been at this affiliate marketing lark for a few years now, I believe them to be posting genuinely valuable, helpful content.

Content that could actually move the needle in improving peoples success. 

Hopefully you might like them too!

7 Top Affiliate Marketing YouTube Channels

#1. Authority Hacker

affiliate marketing youtube channels authority hacker video holders

Authority Hacker are experts at building highly-profitable websites.

They've built and sold multiple sites in the past ten years, and they continue to do so today with their content-rich blog posts about internet marketing strategies that work for beginners and pros alike.

On this channel, you will find Authority Hacker's tutorials, vlogs, podcasts and overall honest content about how you can copy them and build profitable websites of your own!

If you want to learn more about Authority Hacker, don't hesitate to check out their site.

All the content you will find on their website, YouTube channel, podcasts, and premium training is derived from that very real experience…

…so it's no surprise that they feel more authentic than most internet marketing.

Gael has over ten years of experience in building and growing websites. He has also worked with a wide range of clients, from local businesses to fortune 500 company sites.

Mark started his first profitable site in 2008 and is obsessed with building super-efficient systems and processes. If there's any chance that some extra juice can be squeezed out of a site, Mark will definitely find it.

These guys re rock-solid. Kick-start your authority site building success now by subscribing to their channel.

Here's where you can find them…

Authority Hacker on YouTube

Authority Hacker Blog

#2. MoneyLab

best affiliate marketing youtube channels money lab video stills

If you don't know of Matt Giovanisci already, all I can say is…you've been missing out!

Still, it's not too late to put that right.

Matt started his first website in 2006 called Swim University. That very site now makes over $250,000 a year, but it took 10 years to get there.

In March 2015, he started a coffee education website called Roasty, and sold it in 2018 for $55,000.

Matt created Money Lab in 2016 so he could build more brands and make more money!

I believe he also runs a site about home-brewing called Brew Cabin.

Anyway, all of this is a roundabout way of saying the guy really does know what he's talking about when it comes to launching and growing profitable authority sites.

Jump on his YouTube channel and check it out for yourself. 

And you should definitely think about signing-up to his email list, Matt's emails are both full of value, as well as being pretty funny a lot of the time.

Here are the links to Matt Giovanisci's stuff…

Money Lab on YouTube

Money Lab Blog

#3. Matt Diggity

affiliate marketing gurus on youtube matt diggity video stills

I can promise you right here and now, that if Matt Diggity claims something works, that it absolutely does work.

And that's a big reason why I'm putting his YouTube channel on my list of best affiliate marketing YouTube channels.

Matts been in the SEO world since 2009 and he's helped a lot of people find success through his businesses: The Affiliate Lab, LeadSpring LLC, The Search Initiative, Authority Builders, and the Chiang Mai SEO Conference.

In his videos, Matt shares SEO techniques that actually work. 

And they work because Matt and his team will have tested the life out of them before making any kind of claim about their potency.

Everything Matt shares is based on real test results.  No theory, no guesswork… just results.  

If you're new to affiliate/authority site building and SEO and are looking to get started, or if you're a more advanced practitioner looking to level-up, you're in good hands with Matt Diggity's outstanding content. 

Here's where you can get your hands on Matts content…

Matt Diggity on YouTube

Matt Diggity's Blog

#4. Create & Go

Lauren and Alex are all about helping people learn how to start a blog and make money doing it!

They currently make over $100,000 every month with their blogs…and they want to show you how they did it. 

Lauren and Alex started blogging in 2015, with their health and wellness blog Avocadu.

Theirs is a not-uncommon story in the online world…

Both stuck in jobs they didn't like, neither of them ever felt like they had quite enough money, and they often found themselves wondering if “this was really it?”

Well, it wasn't, because they made a bold change.

They both quit their jobs, sold pretty much all their belongings to raise cash to live on, and went ‘all-in' with their new blogging venture.

By the end of that year they had made over $100k blogging. And now they have 2 super-successful six- figure blogs.

Which for obvious reasons reminds me of a quote by Robert Frost:

Freedom lies in being bold.”

Anyway, famous quotes aside, their YouTube channel is full of all cutting-edge blogging tips.

Their aim is to show you exactly how they make money blogging and how you can do it too!

Sound good? Then just subscribe already!

Here's where you can find Lauren and Alex…

Create & Go on YouTube

Create & Go Blog

#5. Miles Beckler

Miles Beckler has been teaching others how to grow their online businesses for quite a few years now.

He's a bone-fide digital marketing expert who shares the same proven tactics and strategies that have helped him build his own multi-million dollar website empire!

Jump on Miles' YouTube channel and start absorbing what he knows about content marketing, SEO, keyword research, sales funnels…

…and pretty much everything to do with running successful affiliate sites.

Not only does Miles know about the deep technicalities of ranking websites, but you will find few people more generous with what they share online than this guy. 

And that genuine generosity is rare to find, but it's something i always look for when deciding if someone is worth following.

Here are the links to Miles' stuff…

Miles Beckler on YouTube

Miles Beckler's Blog

#6. Doug Cunnington

Doug Cunnington specializes in everything to do with setting up and running profitable Amazon Affiliate niche sites.

So if that interests you and you sign-up to his YouTube channel, you're going to get Amazon affiliate niche site related tips, SEO strategies, productivity hacks, and project management tactics straight from the trenches.

Doug owns and runs a site called NicheSiteProject covering the same kind of stuff, and if you head over there you can bag yourself a ton of free downloads on how to get going with Amazon affiliate marketing.

Doug guy has been earning a full-time income from affiliate marketing since 2015, so this is another one on my list because they actually practice as they preach, as well as being generous with the valuable information that they share.  

Here's where you can get you hands on Doug's content…

Doug Cunnington on YouTube

NicheSiteProject Blog

#7. Matthew Woodward

Matthew Woodward's YouTube channel teaches a range of internet marketing techniques step-by-step, over his shoulder.

You're going to find a range of tutorials covering topics like SEO, link building, traffic generation, email marketing, social media marketing & a ton more besides!

Matthew has been publishing detailed case studies and tutorials that focus on helping others grow their business’ since 2012.

These video tutorials are designed to help everyone from beginners to experts, pave their journey to success.

And of the vast amount of top content on his YouTube channel isn't enough to keep you busy, get yourself over to his blog where you'll find even more written tutorials.

Hit his blog, subscribe to his channel…you won't regret it! 

Here are the links…

Matthew Woodward on YouTube 

Matthew Woodward's Blog

Can You Learn Affiliate Marketing For Free On YouTube?

I while ago I would have said no, but you know what?..

…looking at the range and quality of content across these seven affiliate marketing YouTube channels, I think I'm going to have to change my mind and say ‘yes'!

There are so many helpful videos on the topic that I think you really can learn how to get started, all for free.

Sure, it's going to take you longer than it would if you'd got yourself some top-quality affiliate marketing training, because you're going to have to piece it all together yourself.

And remember that affiliate marketing is a real business and should be treated as such. If you don't put the work in, they'll be no rewards to benefit from.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to success in this field, so it is important to do your own research and find what works best for you.

Have You Enjoyed This Article?

Why not read some more from thedoublethink ‘Affiliate Marketing' series?

9 Of The Best Affiliate Marketing Tools

High Paying Affiliate Programs

8 Affiliate Marketing Mistakes (And How You Can Avoid Them!)

Wrapping It Up!

If you're looking to get into affiliate marketing, or are just curious about what it is, then these seven YouTube channels are a great place to start.

Each of them offers a unique perspective on affiliate marketing and how to make it work for you.

So whether you're a total beginner or someone who's been dabbling in affiliate marketing for a while, there's sure to be something here for you.

Have you checked out any of these channels? What did you think?

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  1. Dory Diavelone

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