13 Types Of Blogs That Make Money

Last Updated on December 20, 2023 by andrewtk

types of blogs that make money

There are a ton of massively popular blogs out there.

You may have at some point found yourself reading a blog and wondering if it's one of the types of blogs that make money?

And if it is…how?…exactly?

You may have been told that the only way to make money from a blog is if you actually blog about blogging.

But that's definitely not the case.

Okay, fair enough, that's exactly what I'm doing here…blogging about blogging!

But I have other blogs that are as far away from the blogging niche as it's possible to be. 

Let's look at thirteen blogging niches that you can start today…and eventually make money doing it!

Right now, these are the types of blogs that make the most money. They are all absolutely crushing it!

13 Types Of Blogs That Make Money

#1. Health and Fitness Blogs

lady doing sit ups as proxy for health and fitness blogs

I don't think it's possible to write a post about the types of blogs that make money without covering this particular niche.

Health and fitness are massive topics.

There's certainly no shortage of an audience if you choose to blog about something related to health and fitness.

Health and fitness is a very popular niche for bloggers. There's lots of money to be made and so you'll have plenty of competition.

So niche down.

Drill deeper into the niche until you find a sub-niche with a little less competition…and that you're still interested in!

There are always new sub-niches to explore. For example, you could try segmenting the market in any of these ways:

  • By audience type – men, women, 50+ men, 60+ women, geeks
  • By exercise space – outdoors, indoors, cliff-path running, restricted indoor space routines
  • By exercise equipment – fixed, free standing, expensive, budget
  • By diet – gluten-free, raw food, keto, paleo

There are so many different ways to slice-and-dice every market, even the ones that on the face of it appear saturated.

And with this niche, don't forget that if you're on your own health journey, keep your readers updated by regularly sharing your experiences.

#2. Travel Blogs

Do you love travelling? Okay I know, who doesn't right?…

…but maybe the way you go about it is a little different to most.

Maybe you're really great at going off the beaten-track, discovering places the average tourist doesn't even get anywhere near… well, in that case a travel blog is going to be your thing.

Travel blogs show people different places and give them inspiration for their next vacation, things to do on trips, and ideas on where they can eat.

These blogs usually have beautiful images, extensive lists, and provide insights into the very best things to see and do.

The main topics usually covered on travel blogs tend to include some of the following:

  • Travelling on a budget
  • Travel itineraries
  • Things to do and see (outside of the usual tourist stuff)
  • The best ways to get around the local area
  • Places to eat
  • How much you should expect to spend
  • Backpacking

Another blog niche with almost endless different angles you can take to make yourself a little different.

#3. Parenting Blogs

lego darth vader on bike as proxy for parenting blogs

Families are always looking to hear from other parents who are willing to share their experiences in helping others to get their heads around some of the day-to-day challenges of being a parent.

Parenting blogs are a little odd in that they are both evergreen in nature, but also experience a natural high turnover of readership. 

So your audience might change more frequently than other sites, due to the changing needs of the parents as their families mature. 

For example: If your blog is all about newborn tips, your audience will have a natural lifecycle of maybe six months or so. But then you'll pick up a new batch of new parents.

A parenting blog is a great example of a niche where you can start in a narrowly defined sub-niche, lets say newborn tips…

…and as your authority grows in the parenting space, you can expand the topic to toddlers…and maybe even all the way up to teenagers. 

#4. Personal Finance Blogs

Personal finance blogs give practical advice to pretty much anyone who would like to take better care of their money.

Teenagers, students, parents, grandparents…this one spreads itself across every demographic.

There is a fortune to be earned in this niche, but…

…you'll definitely need to build serious trust with your readers if you want to become a successful money blogger.

Personal finance blogs primarily earn revenue from affiliate offers.

The blogs in this space that make the most money probably pull in enough traffic to generate very significant secondary income from display advertising.

Here are a few of the areas where a lot of the money is made by personal finance blogs:

  • Student loan finance / refinance offers
  • Mortgage finance / refinance offers
  • Bank account sign-up offers
  • Credit card sign-up offers

Take care to make sure you are always up-to-speed on the offers you promote with this one. You don't want to be making someone's financial situation worse because you got lazy and didn't stay on top of the detail.

#5. Food & Recipe Blogs

colourful citrus fruits sliced in half as proxy for food and recipe blogs

Some of the most successful bloggers in this popular niche have gone on to hosting their own YouTube channels and writing food and recipe books.

The bloggers at the top of this particular tree are clearly raking it in!

Hand. Over. Fist.

Food blogs are like ever-changing, living, breathing cookbooks where you get to teach readers new ways to prepare delicious meals.

But make sure you invest a little money in a some decent lighting for photos, so that you can take great looking shots of your creations…

…nothing screams ‘rank amateur' quite like dark and shadowy photos!

There are almost endless ways you can niche-down in the broad ‘food/recipe' niche. You could try:

  • Quick & Easy meals
  • Baking recipes
  • Affordable mealsĀ 
  • Cooking without – gluten, dairy, sugar
  • Drinks – smoothy recipes, cocktails, mocktails

Food blogs tend to be very visual, so get active on visual social networks like Pinterest and Instagram.

What are you waiting for?

Get eating and drinking…and writing about it!

#6. Fashion & Beauty Blogs

If you're genuinely interested in beauty and fashion and believe that you would be able to generate a lot of quality content worthy of sharing, your chances of success are as good as anyone's…

…because fashion and beauty is one of the most popular blogging niches. Undoubtedly one of the leading types of blogs that make the most money.

Fashion and beauty is actually the largest affiliate market in the world, accounting for over 20% of all affiliate programs.

So it is little surprise that so many people want to get in on the action!

And as you would naturally expect, the competition is also extremely high.

To be successful, you're going to have to love the niche, be totally passionate about it, and have the skills to produce totally engaging content.

#7. DIY / Home Decor Blogs

diy blogs

I'm terrible at DIY, but for some strange reason I love DIY and home decor blogs.

And what's even more odd is that I regularly spend money on DIY and home decor blogs. 

Stupid right?

Well yeah…but I'm far from alone.

Making things and mending things is a very attractive and appealing idea. Even to people like me who have no knack for it at all.

There are almost endless ways to niche down from the broad headline niche, such as:

  • Budget decorating
  • Luxury decorating
  • How to maximise small living spaces
  • Woodworking for beginners
  • Advanced woodworking projects and blueprints
  • Furniture restoration

There's a lot of products and services to market in this niche, and it's a lucrative niche because people spend packets of money on making their homes more beautiful. 

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Why not read some more from thedoublethink ‘Blogging' series?

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#8. Lifestyle Blogs

The Lifestyle blog niche is a little different to many other niches, because lifestyle bloggers tend to cover such a huge range of topics.

Basically, if it's something that can happen to you in your life…

…it seems that you can write about it on your lifestyle blog:

  • Careers
  • Business
  • Self-improvement
  • Work / life balance
  • Vacations
  • Family
  • Relationships
  • Nutrition

The niche seems to be totally endless. You can write about  pretty much anything you want!..

…but do make sure that your audience is actually interested in what you write!

#9. Craft Blogs

box of craft equipment as proxy for craft blogs

If you're a crafty type, love creating and making things, then a craft blog could be just about perfect for you.

A craft blog is a great way of sharing your creative knowledge with others…

…and potentially making a whole heap of cash in the process!

Craft blogs can cover a whole host of topics, here's a very small handful of some of the popular ones:

  • Sewing
  • Quilting
  • Woodworking
  • Pottery
  • Crocheting
  • Fashion up-cycling

The most successful craft blogs that make the most money, have a clearly defined audience and produce engaging, informative content that keeps them coming back on the regular.

Most crafts lend themselves well to being marketed across the more visual social media platforms.

Sewing is a great example of a craft that is huge on Pinterest, as is crocheting.

#10. Business Blogs

Business blogs are massive!

And it seems to be an ever-expanding niche.

Business blogs cover topics such as latest industry trends, practical advice on scaling a business, business finance, cross-border trade, plus all sorts of other stuff.

There does tend to be a fair amount of natural cross-over between business blogs and finance blogs, in that loan finance and re-structuring are common topics in both.

Where business blogs have seen huge increase in affiliate opportunities over the last few years is with the proliferation of SaaS products for business.

Typically fairly expensive and paid on a monthly subscription basis, SaaS products are loved by bloggers using affiliate marketing as one of their money making strategies…

…because monthly SaaS subscriptions generate recurring monthly revenue…the passive income dream of all affiliates! 

#11. Pet Blogs

dog wrapped in towel as proxy for pet blogs

Blogs about pets have a great online readership.

Pet blog followers include pet owners, animal lovers, and people looking to get themselves a pet…amongst many others.

As a pet blogger you'll be posting great content on topics such as:

  • Pet health
  • Pet grooming
  • Pet food (you would not believe how much can be written on this one)
  • Pet training

Personally, I can think of few things worse than spending my days writing about cat food. But hey, we're all different thankfully, and some people love it.

Pet bloggers tend to partner up with businesses selling pet products to generate affiliate revenue.

And as you no doubt already know, pet owners are more than happy to splash the cash on their fury pride-and-joy.

#12. Personal Development Blogs

Personal development blogs can make serious money for their owners.

But the niche is choc full of competition.

And it's probably easier to go wrong in the personal development space than most others.

I reckon that it's the easiest niche to totally lose your focus in.

There are no-end of personal development blogs out there, that were once gaining solid traction, only to then pull in so many directions that they kind of ended up eating themselves.

Your blog must have a clear purpose.

If you get it right, it's a fantastic choice of blogging niche. As well as being one of the top types of blogs that make money!

#13. Gaming Blogs

gaming handset as proxy for gaming blogs

Gaming has evolved to the point where it now mostly takes place online.

Because of this total online evolution of the industry, gaming blogs are outrageously popular.

They can very easily, and often do, develop into their ownYouTube channels.

The top gaming blogs and YouTube channels tend to create opportunities for their followers to easily engage with each other.

I think there is no doubt that opportunities for high-quality, helpful, exciting blogs within the gaming niche are going to keep on growing.

Your gaming blog can cover the whole industry, focus on a specific topic, or even just one game, but it must always be focused only on gaming.

Here are a small handful of topic examples for writing about games:

  • Tutorials and game walkthroughs
  • Cheat codes
  • Content codes
  • Game reviews
  • Game comparisons

This is one of the best types of blogs for making money. And it's one of the best types of blogs for having fun with!

Which Type of Blog Should You Start?

So now that you have a list of thirteen types of blogs that make money, how will you decide which kind of blog would suit you best?

Well, whichever niche you go for, start with the intention of educating and helping your readers, because that's the best way to making money from blogging. 

There's a lot more to it than that obviously. Niche selection is probably the single most important thing you need to get right.

Choose a niche that interests you. Make sure there is enough traffic in the niche. Make sure it has monetization potential (quality products and services you can market). 

If there looks to be excessive competition in the niche you want to go after, niche down further into it while you are getting started, but be certain to set your site up with room to grow out into the wider niche.

Also, before you go ahead and dive in, give some thought as to whether you are best suited to either blogging or vlogging.

If you're super comfortable in front of the camera, vlogging might be the way to go.

How To Grow Your Blog

I like to grow organically using a combination of Google search and social media.

So for me, the way to grow a new blog is simple this:

Write great content. Promote your great new content.

Write great content. Promote your great new content.

Write great content. Promote your great new content.

You get the picture?

It's the best way. 

Monetizing Your Blog With Affiliate Marketing

The majority of bloggers simply blog and monetize their site with affiliate marketing.

You may feel pressured to create your own online products and services, but you can do that later.

Get out the gates with affiliate marketing first.

Many successful bloggers who enjoy pulling in multiple income streams across multiple blogs, still make about fifty percent of their money form affiliate offers.

Types Of Blogs That Make Money – Wrapping It Up!

The types of blogs that make the most money are those that help their readers with their personal goals.

People want to know how they can get more done, make better decisions, eat better, make more money and generally improve the quality of their lives.

If you have a story or perspective on these topics, then there could be a potential goldmine waiting for you.

Decide on your niche, or sub-niche, research the current trends, add a little creativity…

…and you will be on your way!

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